Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Outting this publically: Marshal wants to fake like I’m evil if I live tonight. His idea was that it would save me for this night, but the reality is that scum team knows my role and how important it is. My reads aren’t doctored and if I’m somehow alive, its because scum wants my reveals to look scummy so I die ANYWAY.

Not gonna be ok with that. I strongly believe Marshal wanted me to go with this plan to invalidate me. He’s our last scum.

Oh I see.
Well, considering Magnus was supposedly executed as Imp that does mean that there is a new Imp though?

‘oh wow the confirmed liar who everyone wanted to lynch randomly died overnight’

townread demons don’t starpass

oh shut up nerd

i was doing this for you.

i literally told you i was telling eevee my plan so they could shut me down if i tried to “invalidate” you

have fun dying tonight :man_shrugging:

It means that Magnus is the Imp and the former Scarlet Woman is the new Imp, or that Magnus is the world’s dumbest Recluse (hint: it’s not this one), or that Possessed is Drunk/Poisoned/Channel-Mastered/evil

The longer I wait to reveal, the scummier it looks. I can’t have you invalidate my flips.

When I get the chance I’m going to look through Magnus/Isaac to see if they’re acting like a pair who knows the other is evil

Like I mean a townie who knows the other is evil

I literally told you how i made myself powerless to invalidate you if i wanted too, but you are being selfish here IMO

arete literally agrees with my plan without even knowing it

Im sending a copy paste of every message and letting everyone else decide if im scum here

Did I not post Day 2?

M: Hey, i’m gonna be pushing the idea that you are scum if not dead tommorow. Just know that this is a ruse and that i’m making it so that you don’t die here.

P: That doesn’t make any sense and doesn’t help me survive today. Scum know what I am, that’s just fooling town.

M: bascially i’ll be making plans where we execute you if you aren’t dead tommorow.
go along with them. But they will be fake, just to get scum to not attack you.

M: ike “if poss alive tommorow we exe poss”

P: If I’m miraculously alive by tomorrow, you saying I’m scum doesn’t help my case.

M: I’m saying that we push the idea that “Poss bad if poss alive tommorow” to make scum let you live and push for myslynch.
feel free to run this plan by eevee or whoever else

P: There’s no chance that scum want my Isaac reveal. It won’t help, you’ll just devalue my previous finds.

M: but what if they think town don’t trust it?
leaving two town in a TvT thunderdome is good for scum here

P: I both hate this plan and think this makes your case WORSE in my eyes.

P: Town trusts it. At this point, we’ve got very little to go on besides my flip reveals.

M: what is wrong with it? we have key town aware of the plan. So it is revealed as a ruse. I can’t claim the contents of this whisper are fake. I’m gonna try to make you not dead by morning. and if that means making “plans” for your lynch if you are alive tommorow, then so be it.

P: As much as I need the survivability, I can’t take it at the cost of my devalued reveals.

M: Nobody will de-value today. I will just say “poss prolly good, but bad if alive tommorow” and then reveal it as a trick at SoD tommorow

P: You need to think of it this way: What other townsfolk would you kill before an Undertaker? All of them are dead. You attempting to devalue my claims and then me dying ANYWAY (which is likely) makes you look bad; then, if I survive and get Isaacs flip…all my other deductions are killed as ill be assumed scum.

P: I’m telling you…that’s gonna backfire on you.

M: nerd i will tell eevee it’s a ruse to get scum not to attack you. we both have to be scum here for this not to have a chance at working, with little to no drawbacks

P: Also for this to work, id have to trust you…and I don’t.

M: the thing is after isaac, I dont like this lynch order because I know director can’t be demon(unless i am malfunctiony), but I don’t trust everyone to succeed in a director/arete final lynch.

M: you just have to trust eevee. I’m gonna be doing the one talking, and eevee will know what’s going on. if i push “you bad” at all the next day, eevee could crush that real fast.

P: Director couldn’t have been Demon at the point you shot him. If Simon is malfunctioning instead of drunk, then Director is a minion. Otherwise I think Director is clear. You getting lynched only serves the greater good.

P: Imo its between you and Arete for the final lynch.

M: and if we don’t find demon(or more info) before that i don’t trust anyone to keep me alive there

P: So either you or him get hung; the game doesn’t end, hang the other.

P: Trust me, if you’re town…take the lynch after Isaac.

M: fine but im still doing the “poss bad if alive next day” thing because im still gonna try to actually do something nerd

P: That’s fine; I’d expect you to do that angle because there’s no reality that I should survive tonight UNLESS scum team wants to push that angle.

can someone explain how i would be “discrediting poss’s flips” if i reveal it to key town as a ruse, so that i cant discredit them unless i want to be yeeted for trying.

not quoting so shouldn’t be illegal

I don’t want poss to misrepresent this conversation as “marshal wants to discredit me”

here it is. you tell me where that motivation is.

Scratch that, I did show D2 but it was in the class DM of someone who asked for the D2 votes. Must have been during a night phase… One moment.

D2 vote counts:


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Literally was gonna die anyway since scum know what I am, and you “pushing that angle” is something scum already knows to do. The only way I live tomorrow is to invalidate all my deductions and reveals.

Can we see D3 as well?