Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

also spicy take but Wazza and I are never W/W from interactions and therefore if it’s F3 and we don’t have any clue who the Demon is we should go for a Mayor win

obviously if we do know who the Demon is, it even just have a good idea of that, we don’t do that


/whisper Arete



Did Hail specifically ask to be Slayer shot?


Who have you picked for your master each night?

I haven’t heard a thang from them.


I forgot they were butler-claiming

/whisper Arete
please I’m lonely.

That’s unfortunate.

Maybe you should have thought of that before you fakeclaimed as my role.


What do you think Possessed is?

Wazza complains that no one will talk to him but refuses to spew his entire scumteam, very unfortunate.

See, Director is a bit of a wildcard here. Really gave us nothing all game, but since we don’t know what Minions are in play…we can’t confirm him. If there’s no Baron, he’s guilty.


i have an idea.
are there any investigator claims out there?

Nope. One of the roles were missing.

I think Butler is too risky of a fake claim in this format. We might never know the Fabled though…

virgin is the next up on the ballot for me as it is easily confirmable
any Virgin claims out there?

Most recently I mastered myself to Eevee, although I was considering doing Italy.

The reason why I didn’t is obvious.