Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

But yeah I can’t vote unless Eevee votes.

How about the other nights?

N2 I did Eevee, N3 I was away and didn’t do anyone, and most recently I had to lock in last second so I did Eevee again.

I would be lying if I said I’ve been very active for this but that’s that, as a butler I don’t have much to offer.

What about N1?

Yeah, those are the masters id expect. Basically doesn’t tell us much.

Look back at Eevee’s claims list. No Virgins either :frowning:

Except your mom.

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you just called simon jesus



I mean, I calls em how I sees em.

N1 I was also away, I was actually going to replace out as I feared I wouldn’t be able to be active enough but i decided to stay.

I’m reading… and reading…

Magnus is Demon?
Going to believe that as I have no reason to not to.

Aaa in final year proj gtg

Holy crap. Revelation.

Marshal: I think you slipped up, friendo.

That IS part of our discussion, but you didn’t originally say “I’m still gonna try to actually do something”…your exact words were “I’m still gonna try to win”.

So you pushing me was so that you could win. You must have edited that part, bit I distinctly remember that.

Is the rest of the conversation exact quotes or paraphrases?

you are actually right.

I ninja-edited it because i knew i worded it wrong and wasn’t gonna waste a post going

*actually do something

This isn’t a slip it’s just me not wanting to bow down and lay my life on the line

the whole thing is exact copy-pastes of the conversation

All of it is word for word, I just think the part in referring too was a quickedit that I remember before.

just execute isaac>me>arete and i think this game is won.

at this point I don’t care

yeah it was a ninjaedit because i couldn’t convey the emotion i was feeling correctly and knew i didn’t word it very well