Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

I’m Soldier, I stand by it.

How do you explain Possessed’s result on you?

Holy shizzles I wonder why
Goodbye SW I mean Demon


Malfunctioning or lying.

Well, which do you think it is?

So then me and Isaac scum team? Wouldn’t I benefit more outting you were what everyone thought you were…spy? Then the attention wouldn’t be on Isaac.

Its possible I’m malfunctioning, but Isaac still has to go as a second Soldier claim.

More likely malfunction. Possessed doesn’t seem evil to me… but then, neither did Italy

I mean if Magnus were Spy Tan could just have told you Soldier

Who do you think is Demon?

I think I might get true checks even on a spy, but I guess well find out end of game.

You could see a Spy as such, but you wouldn’t have to.

No idea.

Call me evil one more time and I will use my ghost knife to stab you

Ha! Who brings a knife to a godfight?

What is a god to a nonbeliever

Good thing I’m not a god of any religion, since I was exiled from the Guild.

Tan didn’t take long to count the day’s votes. “Honestly, I expected nothing and I’m still let down. We only had one nomination, and we still couldn’t get everyone to cast a vote on it! You people need to vote more, I’m telling you!”

“Did we at least get enough?”

“Oh yeah, Isaac’s dying.”

“If I may ask one final kindness… make mine a quick death. A painless death. A warrior’s death.”

“That’s the one where they stab you in the back of the neck with the sword, right?” Tan shrugged. “Sure, we can make that work.”

In short order, Isaac found himself on the edge of the bluffs, wrists bound behind him. A smile formed on his face as he watched the sun set.

Tan lifted a sword, poised to deliver the strike that would kill. “You’re sure you don’t want a blindfold?”

“I’d rather see the sunset in my final moments.”

“Fair enough.” Tan lifted her shoulders slightly… and thrusted down.

“AH! What the hell?!”

“Whoops, that was his shoulder. Let me try this again.”

“Oh, come on!”

“Nope, that was his foot. Hang on, I can get this.”


“How’d I manage to get his kidney from this angle?”

“Oh, for God’s sake, give me the sword already!” Maxwell took the sword from Tan and swiftly dispatched Isaac.

“Aw, we were just getting to the fun part!”

“Wait, you were doing that on purpose?”

“I can do quick, but asking for painless is asking too much of me.”

Isaac has been executed… and the game continues. Send in your Night 5 actions within 24 hours.

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Also, the day’s votes. Aren’t you proud of me for remembering to do this?


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