Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

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Tan yawned as the last of the dwindling town assembled in the square. “Everyone have a good night? You all eat well?”

Possessed snapped at Tan. “Cut to the chase, you psychotic specter. Who’s dead?”

“Wow, have a little respect for the dead. Even if you don’t like any of these jerks, even if you don’t like little old me… Priestess deserves better.”

“That doesn’t answer the question.”

“I wasn’t pretending that it did. But honestly, when it comes to who died, you should know by now.”

“Seriously, Tan, knock it off. Just answer the question, who died? I look around and everyone who was alive yesterday is still alive. Arete, Shurian, Marshal, Hail, Simon, Maxwell. Everyone’s still…” Possessed looked down. “Oh.”

“Took you long enough, you psychotic specter.”

Possessed has been slain. Day 5 has begun, and the discussion phase is now open.

everyone, no lynch today

How many people are alive?


we could no lynch either today or tomorrow. either works

How much minions are confirmed to be alive?

Or, actually, how many are confirmed to be dead?

is this correct


I think it’s better to no-lynch tomorrow probably

not sure

Generally it’s always better to have an odd number of players alive.

wtf don’t no lynch

No-lynch today. That makes it 5 players after the night has ended.
At most it’s LyLo with 1 demon + 1 minion alive.

In any case: there were 4 starting evils (3 minions 1 Demon)

Wazza is dead and confscum

Magnus and Isaac are both dead and contains a minimum of 1 scum

This means that there are AT MOST 2 evils alive, which with the mechanics of the game let us safely-ish send it to final 3


Always attempt to avoid MyLo if you can make it LyLo.


Scum don’t win with parity

That means it’s always optimal to be silent and NL here.

They basically do in this situation.