Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

This ability is extremely powerful if used socially as the Demon has three claims to use and can manipulate town.
I’d say get rid of the Minions either way so then we can’t be deceived through that.

If he’s exactly Baron then letting him live until F3 would be legitimate strategy, I’d rather a starpass to him than a starpass to someone we don’t know about

if he’s Poisoner or SW then yeah, kill him

(starpass = Imp kills self at night to let a Minion Impify)

If he’s Baron then I suggest that, but how are we supposed to get conclusive evidence he’s exactly Baron?
Sure, it’d be worth leaving him alive for the 1/3 chance of gameend on his lynch if Imp suicides, but if he’s some damaging role like Poisoner?

Investigator is a class that exists and may or may not have spawned

Get destroyed

If they’ve managed to random onto Italy then I’d consider taking that course of action.
It’s a semi-low chance, as that’s also a 1/3 provided Italy isn’t a neighbor with another Minion.

Reee /Whisper Shurian

No u

Stop it.

If Investigator randomed onto Italy with Baron…

  • Leave him alive to deter Imp from suiciding, and give us a 1/3 chance of game end on his execution.

If Investigator has not randomed onto Italy / Doesn’t exist…

  • Hang Italy

Actually. What if the Imp suicides with Scarlet Woman present?
Would Scarlet Woman get priority over becoming Demon?

Shurian kept saying no u in whisper reee.

I’m confused about how Italy’s neighbors affect it


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Can confirm that if Scarlet Woman is in play and not malfunctioning, their ability forces them to catch a starpass before any other minion.


I think probably Italy wouldn’t make this post if Marshal were actually his Demon

Say Italy and you (Arete) were minion.
Arete = Baron
Italy = Poisoner

We’d be letting Italy live on the basis he’s Baron when actually Arete is.

I don’t see how his neighbors affect it, Invest doesn’t necessarily see adjacent players

By neighbor I mean one of the two people that isn’t Italy and is minion.
My brain has autolocked neighbor = two people.

Can I /Vote skip to Nomination