Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

No accusations or defenses.
Just killing
tan probably agrees but won’t let it be that way because rules

My accusation of Marshal: You, my friend, are in PoE. Not wanting to exe this today but it’s the 2ns best thing to go for at this point. I’m too hansome to be wrong. Also suck my dick.

My defense of Marshal: Bitch i’ve seen your face it’s nothing to brag about nerd. And i would suck your dick if i could.

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I gave my accusation

My defense is that my interactions with Wazza make no sense from the perspective of someone on a scumteam with him

also if we assume Nerbins is healthy sober etc. I’m confirmed as not the (starting) Demon from his N1, which would mean that I’m exactly SW who caught a Demon execution, which under the leading theory would mean that I bussed my own Demon :thinking:

also also the kill on Nerbins makes literally 0 sense unless you have a Spy running around telling you the info and none of the proposed scumteams that include me have a plausible Spy candidate that I’ve whispered to

…but if we’re going to execute me it should be today so that we’ll actually have a chance in LyLo


from your own perspective you are confirmed not the Demon

we have 2 executions left and more than two people who could plausibly be the Demon

why are you trying to get yourself executed

i am in PoE and if it takes me being executed to make you exuted than so be it.

also just making sure all optioms are open


since you’re alive and not Marshal:
Marshal is not playing like a Demon, he’s playing like a Minion
Trying to get yourself executed the day before LyLo isn’t a play that makes sense here as a Demon. it is a play that makes sense here as a Demon since I’m very mislynchable

we never vote Marshal except maybe if we think a star pass occurred

I’d rather be executed today than tomorrow. If you think you would vote me in LyLo, you should vote me today.

but no matter what, we’re not voting Marshal, because he’s obviously not the Demon and if we execute him then whatever fraction of us are town will lose

/hand up Hail
/hand down Marshal
/hand down Arete


i mean i guess /nominate simon

great now we just gotta nomniate maxwell(not shurain because saint lol)

Maxwell can only be starting evil as Spy, agreed?

twas a joke

oh okay

I was about to explain why any theories where Maxwell is the Demon were silly

Let’s see… In chronological order, we need Maxwell’s accusation against Arete, Simon’s accusation against Simon, and Simon’s defense.

arete is in the demon poe; that’s my accusation. night guys

no, no

I believe that’s the Soldier’s line…


wtf why are you modconfirming Simon as Soldier

By now, you should all be able to tell my memes from my modconfirms.

I say that, thus implying that I’ve leaked a modconfirm already even though I haven’t, but you’ll all go looking for one anyway

/reveal as Mayor @Tangeld

now I get 3 votes :upside_down_face: