Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

this is usually the part where i realize i need to go to sleep but it’s probably more that i just woke up

/Hands up Hail
one of those two must die today, we yeet the other tomorrow. if any ghost sees this, please exe arete

What an excellent time for you to pipe up, Maxwell. That being said, voting has now closed. All unsubmitted votes will be defaulted to pardon. Please wait while the day’s votes are processed.

Tan counted the last votes as they trickled in right at the sunset. “You people are cutting it close… With a little help from beyond, Hail will be today’s execution.”

“Alright, I did something! Yeah!”

“Quiet, Italy. Now then, to attend to Hail. I have a good one for this.”

The town gathered at the bluffs once more, to behold an impressively large and well-constructed bobsledding track pointed toward the ocean.

“Launching Italy with the trebuchet was all well and good, but now we’re gonna slide Hail off! Just make sure not to go too fast, alright Hail?”

Before even waiting for a response, Tan unceremoniously pushed Hail down the track. Hail weaved left and right with every curve, gaining speed as he did so, all building up to the upward curve at the end of the track that would turn his own speed against him and launch him straight into the-

The sound of rending flesh sent chills down the spine of every living citizen, Hail no longer among their number.

“…The hell was that, Tan?”

“He went too fast. I had to throw down the spike strip.”

Hail has been executed… and the game continues. Please send in your Night 6 actions.

Bonus: Vote Counts!


This topic was automatically opened after 24 hours.

“I’ll tell you the one good thing about having to wake the town every morning… Fewer people each time.” Tan idly chatted with Priestess as the two went about their now usual task of gathering the remaining citizens of Ravenswood Bluff for the day’s proceedings. Arete, Shurian, Marshal and Simon were eventually all present in the town square.

“Did we sleep well, everyone?”

“Last night felt really short. Couldn’t sleep for crap.”

“Yeah, that’ll happen when the fear of death is creeping up on you.”

“Wait a minute, where’s Maxwell? He should be here too.”

Tan’s eyes widened slightly. “Ah, crap, we forgot his house in the rounds. Come on, Priestess, we’ve gotta-”

“No need, you two.” Maxwell’s ghost drifted into the group. “But it’s nice to see that you were so concerned for me.”

“Anytime, old chum.”

Maxwell has grown cold. Day 6 has begun.

Tan, who would usually be laughing at her own dry wit, suddenly grew quiet. The remaining citizens could feel the tension in the air.

“Folks, I don’t think you’re going to get another chance. I don’t think we have a world in which we get two more executions off before the Demon has taken control of the town. If we don’t get the Demon in the next lynch… I don’t think we can survive.”

Welcome to the final four. The rules have changed a little bit.

The game shall now proceed in the traditional “clockhand” voting and nomination style characteristic of live play. When a nomination is called, chatter drops to a minimum. The votes will proceed clockwise (down the list) to end on the vote of the accused for their own nomination. When it is a player’s turn to vote, they may send one message at most before casting their vote to pardon or execute. You will be pinged when it is your turn to vote. If it is a player’s turn to vote and that player sends two messages in chat without voting, their vote will be defaulted to pardon and their turn shall be skipped. To accommodate this change, nominations may be placed at any point during this game day.

If you need any point of this clarified, simply ask.

@Arete, @Shurian, @Marshal and @Simon are the four remaining living citizens.

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@eevee, @DirectorHail, @Nerbins, @Isaac_Gonzalez, @Wazza, @Maxwell, @Magnus, @Possessed and @KyoDaz still have the use of their ghost vote for trials.

@Italy has already spent his ghost vote, but this does not prevent him from speaking if the need arises.

Remember, bones don’t break when bobsledding.
They shatter.



Sorry :upside_down_face:

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kill arete today.

Don’t kill at all today

We always no-lynch in F4 with a minimum of 2 evils dead

I know you don’t trust me but I’m objectively correct here

Can we agree that nominating today is claiming scum and that we’re not going to do it?

the demon will obviously kill shurian today because shurian will never be lynched

no lynching today achieves nothing

This. Waiting until tonight means suspects will lower to 3
If demon refuses to do that, fiddler is forced into play and it lowers to 2.

you moron, suspects are already lowered to 3 because shurian is a living saint