Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

In any case, ST chooses info and I think that Tan probably wouldn’t give the Investigator two minions as a specific Minion

(this sort of thing is typically considered a valid discussion topic in BotC)

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Why would you skip nomination when we have information leading to a minion?

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Because i’m bored.

We’re allowed to predict the Storyteller?

I believe he meant “skip the discussion phase and open nominations early”.


Wouldn’t it be BotF?

The game is Blood on the Clocktower

This is Blood on the Clocktower on the Forums

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This is typically considered valid strategy, yes

Of course, the Storyteller can then decide to mess with you

if you’re curious I know of many fun Storyteller ways to mess with people :eyes:

I screw with people when I host either way.

Storyteller can mess actions, can’t mess roles and claims.

What do you mean actions?
They can literally change your action?

How is making typo with "="at the end of the post making it big letters.


Sidenote: I asked Italy in whisper what he thought of the me/Marshal/Kyo situation, and he basically dodged the question and didn’t provide a take at all

Make of that what you will

“You might register as a Minion or Demon, even if dead.”


You might register as a Townsfolk or Outsider


There is a lot of stuff like that in BotC.


I asked italy that in-thread and got the same thing.

So @Arete who do you want to hang instead?

/whisper eevee

real quick eevee


If you want to tell me it’s writen hung, not hang, I’m gonna kill you.

Why can’t I get whispers?