Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

im sorry simon, but i dont have time for this game anymore with finals upcoming, so i decided i needed to precast my votes and be done with it


no i mean im 7 so your thing defaults to me if everyone is nominated

would wazza be coordinated to fake slip you like he did?


It’s still a dumb way to prevote because it tells scum who to nominate

If you’re going to just give up pick someone you’re confident is Good and have them decide for you

i’ve no idea what your talking about

I mean I think it was a real slip

I think Wazza doesn’t trust his Demon and is trying to give them instructions

thats what im starting to think, but forgive me if id rather have someone elses input on it

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High-key think that if scum tries to nominate today the optimal play is to counternom a corpse

Avoids the risk of there being two evils alive and picking the wrong one

i really like that idea.
i forgot that we can nominate corpses

You asked me a question, I assumed you wanted an answer :upside_down_face:

Get shurian to nom a corpse

nah it should be someone unconfirmed

Take that, wazza!

either myself or marshal should do it, imo

If they turn out to be good we could be screwed

/prevote down everything

its just that if they’re bad and they target a living player, the living player is definitely good, so the players which are more likely to be evil are then more likely to target a good living player, so one of them should be the one to nominate a corpse as its a safe vote