Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

same goes for tomorrow

Tommorow it will be simon/arete/me 99% chance.

I want to lynch arete out of that grouping. Simon going for the obv drunk/channelmastered seems a little ballsy for a scarlet woman who didnā€™t know roles.

So PoE will be arete/me. And I beg that we lynch arete in that group

Iā€™m trying to decide if itā€™s optimal to go for a Mayor win or not

I honestly donā€™t know which one of you is the Demon. I can probably do >rand at figuring it out, but Iā€™m not sure if the court as a collective can

but coordinated no-nominating is difficult and thereā€™s always the risk that Iā€™m Drunk/channel-mastered

thereā€™s either 1 evil alive right now or 2

because if there were 0 the game would be over, and Wazza and at least one Soldier claim is evil

the thing is that Marshal and Simon arenā€™t playing like a team. which points to there probably being a dead evil somewhere, the question is who

I can nominate?

especially considering in a claim/counterclaim scenario im screwed, since drunk cannot role with the person they think they are, and fabled certainly cant

Unfortunately for all of you, you can not nominate nor vote dead people. Unlucky.

what? no, of course not.
youre next to vote.
as in, to vote on the wazza ā€œexecutionā€

ya we can.
tangeld asked for your defense already.

Priestess asked.

Priestess is being stupid. You can only nominate living players.

Read the first OP mate.

I see no point in wasting my vote on a dead player.

Read this.

Also itā€™s the 2nd December which means I can start swearing again!

ā€¦But I donā€™t really want to.

says nothing about nominating dead players not being allowed.
and in the part about death it says:

(not a proper quote since that thread is locked)
the dead may not nominate. says nothing about being nominated

and namely, there is one setup in this game where nominating a dead person is required for town to win

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You know, at school my teacher is making us look at crime stories.
We looked at Phoebe Handsjuk. Died 2nd Of December, 2010.

Yes it does mate.

If the count of votes to execute is more than half of the number of living players, and is the highest count of votes against any player that day, the aaccused will be considered ā€œabout to dieā€.

I canā€™t be considered ā€œabout to dieā€ twice.

why not?
unless it says that explicitly that means you can.
thats how this game works.
an imp can target a dead person with their night kill.
a spy can nominate the virgin and die
stuff is very clear about how unless something is explicitly stated to not work, it works as it says on the in

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