Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

I was replying to this

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ah, well i will hit right back with a tangeld probably would have randed most things, but filtered out undesirable results, so as to keep it consistent and a good game, but to not be too predictable.
namely they probably randed the rolelist completely imo

This is now a dictatorship.
I order Italy be put on the gallows until an investigator with information relevant to them comes forward.
Otherwise theyā€™re being hung.

in setup that is,
they probably randed most things in setup



/whisper Simon

Also investigator is a role which checks minions, Kyo was correct.

Theyā€™re already confirmed to be Minion apparently.
The only way they live is if weā€™re given information they are Baron (which only Investigator can do)

sure, but any investigative with relevant information could help.
someone with relevant information need not be the investigator, if there even is an investigator

:man_shrugging: supposedly. if your assuming this then yes an investigator is probably the best source of information, but it is not the only one.

I like being ignored by simon :eyes:

eevee i see you whispering, and ill get to you soon

We have two sources of information

Simon, this is actually on topic of what you are saying rn.

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i dont like to assume until/unless i get hard facts.
im willing and able to work in that space without hard facts, i just choose to make it clear that what i am saying is not currently my actual beliefs for how the world is, but for how the world would be if a certain thing is assumed.

i know i know, ill be there soon dont you worry, im just making clear my stance on things rather than jumping away in a whisper right away.
in fact, i think ive made it clear enough now, so /whisper eevee
((which this should count as an accept fite me tangeld))

Iā€™ve been asked to clarify what I mean by Demon-hunting in the main thread

Basically, we win by killing the Demon. At the end of the game, if three minions Scarlet Woman notwithstanding live, and the Demon is dead, we win, and if the Demon is alive it does not matter how many minions weā€™ve killed. This means that the question of whether someone is evil is kind of orthogonal to the question of whether we should execute them; if we know they arenā€™t the Demon we can PoE the Demon to the set of ā€˜not confirmed not the Demonā€™ people and execute in that pool, and that is how we win.

Obviously starpasses make this more complicated.

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(By the way, this is off topic, but since the question of Fun Storyteller Pranks came up:

  • show the Librarian the Spy or the Imp as the Recluse
  • show the Washerwoman the Spy or the Drunk as the character the Drunk thinks they are
  • allow the Recluse to catch a star pass
  • make the Recluse register as Demon and continue the game with no Demon this one is considered bastard-ish even compared to normal BotC
  • itā€™s debated whether or not this is possible but itā€™s been argued that the Recluse and the SW can catch a star pass at the same time, in which case you have two living Demons (one evil and one good)

By whom?


You are neigbour to me and them and you didnā€™t whisper anyone.

Excuse me we are very honorable storytellers
As true as Im living

I also know various Weird Evil Strategies but I donā€™t want to discuss them publicly and I donā€™t want to give ideas to the evil team

Shurian. I neighbor you and Shuri.

Wait, I fucked up, shurian and them. AAAAAA