Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

I didn’t meme-lock it.

Everytime someone posts, all my mod tools jump down to match it.

It’s hard to click correct buttons as moderator.

dude, imagine an offshoot cookie thread that deleted itself if no one posted for an hour

Arete has a valid reason :upside_down_face:

For hanging you? Okay.

Alright, i’d like some proof that makes me confirmed “evil”




Counterpoint: in most scenarios where Dat gets lynched there BD loses

also I would say that it’s more like, on D3 in ToL with no Unseen dead, executing a suspicious Maid claim who might be Mastermind rather than executing the confirmed Servant

a circumstance in which people pushing for said Maid tend to be BD and people pushing for the Servant tend to be scum (but your shade on me is noted :upside_down_face:)


hung would be past tense, it’s hanging

try it

its lynching because hang is a garbage verb for any use other than uses that would be described as to put a painting/picture on the wall

proof or not valid eevee

But it’s d1 with a confirmed servant.

We can afford to lynch minions here. we should lynch people who are 100% minions instead of people who are 30% demon.

Make someone dead due to natural body raction to being hold by rope on your neck.

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Literally not even confirmed minion.

Italy, who would you lynch here?

Proof or invalid.

So it’s not enough for me to claim there is cc and check wich make you scum?

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Whoever claims i’m evil, because I ain’t recluse.

Not enough for you to even start defending?