Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

I can’t tell if you’re minion, or just town who really thinks it’s the only possible answer

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cough cough priestess

Oh my friggin god

Arete is Mayor
Me am Saint

You get rekted because Simey attacked Arete
Arete got attacked

And even if the demon did indeed kill Marshal, the only real reason I would see is to throw suspicion onto Arete

Yes, this again

wheeze of collapsed lungs


I think your lungs already collapsed from the water pressure, just FYI.

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but people still do not think i am town.

so the social thunderdome isn’t resolved.

and it’s a lot easier to win said thunderdome when your opponent is dead

Nah dude Marshal has activated minion tunneling mode he cant get out of it
Or it could be town tunneling but Simey is the lynch here anyway

I think Simon would be more likely than Shurian to be worried about us getting a Mayor win

could be wrong

I cant tell the difference between good and bad Marsh tbh
I’ve been tricked more times than I can count
Sorry Marsh, I won’t be listening this time >_>

didn’t marshal die at night

If Marshal is somehow town here this is going to be his personal Arete-in-Looming-Threat game

Tan’s learning nothing from deus ex 3
You cannot kill italy
Italy is eternal

Sorry, I keep swallowing water for some reason.

The heck is a Mayor win anyway
Demon attacks Mayor and the attack backfires on final 2
Why do that when we can kill Demon first

I give up on people wanting to lynch simon. I hope i’m wrong on him if he gets lynched, but hopefully everyone just knows that after this game there is one person who had it right(or wrong but i’ll take that risk)

also @Simon nominate arete in the case that town somehow comes to their senses

also are we gonna discuss that eevee has changed completely

why are you lynching simon wtf

If 3 players are alive and no one is executed, and one of the living players is the Mayor, then Good wins

again, if simon is the lynch i hope that i’m wrong.

but i really just see arete bad this whole time.