Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

We cooooouuuuld swap the order of lynches.

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marshal is next but i dont think you care about that

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/hand up

Boom Bye scum.

You were caught in a lie, when your reasoning for making said lie makes 0 sense. You are familiar with TOL. You donā€™t tell mystic you are prince when you are hunter. You tell them you are hunter.

people are better liars if they think what theyā€™re saying is the truth
i definitely didnā€™t not think of that and immediately think ā€œhey i should lie obviouslyā€

Bear in mind that even if we get 7 we can still execute someone else, if we can get more than 7 votes on them

Technically, Shurian is next; the vote starts from the accused.


I mean heā€™s allowed to vote in advance, right?

/Nominate Marshal >:(

Okay Italy, give me one place at which you softed ravenkeeper to me in chat, in case your claim backfires as it did right now.

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im sorry but what you did is the wrong move.
some people are good enough at covering up their tmi that it is reliable to assume they wont out information like that, especially in text posts.
eevee is one of those people imo.
i like to think that i am another

You are allowed to vote in advance, but your vote will be locked as soon as it reaches you if youā€™ve precast.

Italy has nominated Marshal. Italy, state your accusation.

I was insisting to swap roles. Evils donā€™t do that, because thatā€™s dumb. And if I was evil, Arete has to be my scumbuddy, because i wouldnā€™t be so quick on the draw without at least knowing my bluffs.

wait can nominations happen mid-vote?

Marshal looks evil because he nommed me :angry:

Mildly interesting fun fact, by the way, while weā€™re considering night actions: if youā€™re the Monk, and you suspect a player is the Demon and will try to starpass, you can protect them and block a star pass that way


Everyone can nomintae.

Iamgine 14 nominations one after another without mid-vote nominations.

In the live game, no. But for the purposes of a text format, yes, nominations can be active concurrently (although they will resolve in order) and players may vote on multiple nominations simultaneously.

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Another fun fact, you canā€™t quickhammer in BotC