Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

One thing you all missed btw.
I voted Simon in thread, but blocked the vote in private
(Which resulted in me not showing on vote count)

I was kinda mad that host showed it that way, considering I had to play you all to turn on confirmed person.

So I’m actually happy that none of you noticed me not showing on vote count.

Told yall Eevee was 3000 iq

And I couldnt find any way to cover this so >_>

the original push on shurian held no basis in associations/motivation reads on shurian, and no mechanics.

you didnt play me tho >.>
also like that was the best thing host could do, not hiding votes on the last day
in fact i was hoping he’d set it so all votes had to be in-thread in order to count.

I believe I explained to Arete and Pillica in Danganronpa already.
I dislike amerian style - making reads, pushing, ect.

Don’t misunderstand me, it’s effective, but also boring.

However, playing to trick whole game into what is beneficial to me, without needing to push anyone is way more funny and challenging.
Also risky, cause if I was wrong at my assumption, I would singlehandedly lose the game for town.

That’s why support style is hard to play, but also considered on par in effectivness to standard styles.
For those of you who are convinced enough in validity of own reads, give it a try.
American meta is not an only way to play this game after all.

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i mean, im not that big of a fan either tbh. its why i mostly play advanced mechanics.
and subsequently why i play mostly mashes and other closed setups. because i function much better in setups where we have to figure out the mechanics, since ive put quite a bit of time into being able to doing just that, so it gives me an edge very quickly.
its why access of information and controlling that information can be such a big thing for me

plus i cant read motivations for beans

Then stop trying to play meta build for psychologists archetype lplayers and try to develop own?

Meta is something which is meant to be the universal +EV.
But it doesn’t mean it’s good everywhere.

What kind of case I would have to do to prove that Shurian is scum who randomly guessed he showed up as Saint?
Would it convince you?
Would scum have easier time to deny it?

I went reads over mechanicss and placed it in situation where it was hard to avoid, without pushing them at all.
And that would probably not be achieved with using normal deduction based style.

Well, I really did get faulty feedback then, sorry i never considered that possibility and nearly cost us the game, guys.
I was going to say, I didn’t want to lose to arete, but their play this game was so different from any scum game I’ve seen them in, that if they were scum, their scum game had suddenly improved a huge amount very fast unexpectedly.

That’s kind of dumb that it should have been knowable that both my results were false after Isaac was lynched, but eh.

And of course this wasn’t my intent when subbing out (I had to focus on a final the last day), but it was still hilarious and possibly saved town the game.

By your own logic, isaac getting lynched should have gamesolved @Tangeld

Also, why is a board game that doesn’t officially release until March so well known?

I actually consider the unconventional style that you (and formerly priestess when she played) have to be better than the american style when done right just because it’s so unexpected and can commonly baffle scum. I might try to learn it.

you probably did save the game, i was never going to consider the fact that my feedback could have been false so it was good that i subbed out, or I would have probably singlehandedly led to town’s doom.

I was boarding all my hopes on you tbh :3

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yeah i’ve never played this game before so I am unfamiliar with a lot of stuff, but this:

is a bit dumb for logic as it sounds like it should have been knowable you were the demon after Isaac died as apparently Tan never would have given a legitimate saint in either of my two options.

Well, I doubt that it’s that great of a strategy, if you give the SW all claims and the SW gives the Demon all claims :thinking: without noticing it

But hey, it could have worked out, and it did work out in the end, so good job.
Whisper game was just pretty boring for my poor spectators :wink:

… and I have no idea what the fuck you’ve done on the last day, but it hecking worked out :eyes: can you explain what and how you’ve done, cause I still don’t understand it

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He openwolfed as town
So that he could throw suspicion on me

Because he needed to remove the “confirmed” part from me from his mass claiming
And the only way to discredit that part was to openwolf


Sorry for incorrectly accusing you of gamethrowing, eevee :eyes:

Never accuse people of throwing while the game is still going… for the same reasons as you can’t report people of an ongoing game :upside_down_face: you simply don’t have enough information to really be able to judge it