Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

marshal threatened to lockscum anyone who voted to kill him

spite scumreading is the most anti-town mindset iā€™ve ever seen

strangely enough, marshal has vanished

/whisper Arete

Yes, I am the Mayor.

You are not the Mayor. So, you are scum.

Iā€™m bored now, since iā€™m outed Iā€™m going to either be murdered or just sit here bored.

Why are you whispering me when from your perspective Iā€™m confirmed scum?

also /accept because I have literally accepted a whisper from my own evil twin :^)

Wazza thinking heā€™ll be murdered makes me sus of him

ā€¦Iā€™m Mayor, I insta-win Town the game later on.

Why wouldnā€™t I be killed?

Didnā€™t you read it all?

Upon the final 3 people, if no one is lynched, Iā€™ll auto-win Town the game.

Your point?

/whisper Arete

/accept again

Mayor can bounce incoming night kills to other people.

lol at 2 mayor claims whispering each other.

Likeā€¦ whatā€™s the point?

ā€œYou lieā€
ā€œNo uā€

Kinda weird.


Since itā€™s an imp, tan can make the imp kill theirself and force a starpass even :eyes:

No no u

Nominations have officially closed. The current outstanding nominations are as follows:

Marshal has nominated Italy. Six votes to execute as of present.

Italy has nominated Marshal. Four votes to execute as of present.

Arete has nominated Arete. One vote to execute as of present.

Magnus has nominated Tangeld. One vote to execute as of present.

Seven votes are required to have an execution today. The players have twenty-four hours to finalize their votes.

Could you ping this people?




/whisper Isaac