Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Oh my. That isn’t good.


That said it isn’t all a waste

With SW in play, demon could be ballsy enough to do that. Also saint is an instant evil win if executed.

Now we know for certain he is a minion and can ignore him for the rest of the game.

Is there a night vig?

I don’t believe so.

No nightvigs for town.

Still was bad though. No way demon fucks up their claim that hilariously badly twice in a row.

I’m the target of the Fortune Teller fable.
That’s unfortunate.

Well at least we now know no one else is.

Wazza and I both have claims that checked out (We both claimed things that demon would want to nightkill) but wazza is definitely not acting normally

We can’t ignore him in case he’s Scarlet, but yeah he’s not priority today.

Marshal is

the difference is waz cannot be the saint
the saint is an entirely certain lock who is not waz.

it’s for situations like these where I wish discourse offered the option to temporarily mute a user.

Wazza claimed scum to me in whisper


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It’s against forum game rules to mute people.

I am in zero thunderdomes now. Marshal is obviously powerwolfing

He says he’s the Poisoner, up to you all how much you trust that