Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Also he thinks you all are dumb for not noticing that he was claiming scum in thread

I literally open wolfed in this chat lol

thanks for that i didnā€™t know
regardless i donā€™t believe itā€™s possible in the discourse UI.

Does Poisoner get a n0 action?

Why would he claim poisoner??

Yeah. I think youā€™re poisomed


Thatā€™s how you are malfunctioned.

Get nae naeā€™d

Slayer only kills demon anyways

Itā€™s N1, not N0, but yes they act on the night when everyone is getting first night info

now we know waz is a minion
so just ignore him
imp would be a fool to jump him

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Doesnā€™t matter.
Slayer was probably the best choice for him.
Iā€™m now an IC Vanilla Townie, unless you believe he isnā€™t Poisoner and I was fabled.

Any other Town would have been an IC PR
Thatā€™s worse than IC VT.

Well we got no dayvig too so bummer :frowning:

Nah, donā€™t ignore me. I want to help discuss!

Imp doesnā€™t decide who recieves, ST does.
Also poisoner is kinda dangerous

How are you an IC??

Iā€™m confirmed to have malfunctioned.


Anyways Waz is prrrrobably actually worth killing because Poisoner is really strong

Unless Minion can poison their own minions/demons?

And I ainā€™t letting you leave that malfunction <3