Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

/shoot Isaac_Gonzalez



I know they do, and maybe that clears out a bit why I wasnā€™t very willing for them to be voted.

Iā€™m annoyed that Wazza wasnā€™t nominated despite being in thunderome.

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's foot.

Maxwell takes a Slayer shot at Isaac_Gonzalezā€¦ And nothing happens.

Arete couldnā€™t nom

ā€˜Arete youā€™re in a thunderdomeā€™
ā€˜ok I nominate myselfā€™
ā€¦look, it made sense in my head

Arete nominated themselfs instead.


Was a big mistake on theirs part.

You didnā€™t nominate anyone today, Eevee. Be the change that you want to see (but you canā€™t nominate today).

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In fairness you hadnā€™t told me yet who I was thunderdoming

I nominated, but you didnā€™t accept it.

Good thing we can talk at night.


Eevee is basically conftown, you should claim to him in whisper

If you nominated, then you didnā€™t ping myself or Priestess for it and we missed it. We warned you that this could happen without pinging us.

@Isaac_Gonzalez Iā€™m conftown and your neighbour. Eevee, Arete and Poss are scum, Arete claimed Mayor but I am Mayor. xoxo, your non-leaving dad.

In all fairness, there is nowhere writen nomination phase only lasts few hours.

Poisoner, the great hyperconfirmable town


/whisper Eevee

Thisā€™ll be a quick one

16 hours is well enough time and you know it, Eevee.

Phases were in the signups.