Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Everyone knows i’m actually a walking corpse. That’s how I came back to life twice in Deus Ex 3

Aight one sec.

ah shoot 1k posts i gotta read F
My dog but I think it’s sideways lol

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existence of doggo confirmed


…I have more.

wazza doesn’t have a gaming chair :eyes:


But it was my call

That is a gaming chair…

that’s like, a living room chair

wait no that’s my couch I sleep on.

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I’ll get a pick of my gaming chair one sec.

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epic doggo

Okay, I give up throwing the game guys.

I am Undertaker I lied to y’all :sunglasses:

stop thats my job

dialup sounds


/whisper Eevee
/whisper Italy
/whisper Arete
/whisper Marshal
/whisper DirectorHail
/whisper Simon
/whisper Nerbins
/whisper Magnus
/whisper Possessed
/whisper Kyo

I’m lonely someone talk to me

:gun: i have my anti noob gun

Yes we know, it’s pointing at yourself.

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