Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

pizza is for noobs

/Psychopath kill Isaac

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Is that what your mom said when she left you $12.50 to order a pizza with pepperoni toppings and they literally just give you a pizza with a crust and you go to tell your mom but sheā€™s in bed with the pizza delivery guy using the pepperoniā€™s you wanted, asā€¦wellā€¦you get the point.

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That just sounds like slayer shot with extra steps.

Psychopath is a dayvig minion who kills in public (kill is announced) but you have to beat them in rock paper scissors to execute them

So yes, it is

@Italy /whisper Italy

Game of Rock Paper Scissors in the whisper (Best of 5). If you win, Iā€™ll reveal my demon to you.

take that kyo

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That was short lived.

crying in the corner intensifies

/whisper Wazza


/accept through tears

just gonna point out nerbins has said one thing all game

That was a nice talk, Eevee.

Welcome to the gang :sunglasses:

eevee converted :eyes:

smh system

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smh my head my elbow my knees my toes and all of the things that are in place of my teeth!