Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

You can whisper it to me, right?

If eevee chooses to whisper it to you, thatā€™s his decision as I trust him. But I will not.

Why not?

Itā€™s too much of a risk to expand the circle of trust on this specific matter

I thought Eevee said there was a second outsider claim that he basically trusted

also someone getting info he thought was false, but we have a Channel-master and possibly a Poisoner, so.

Iā€™m a dead fortune teller

Like much more risky than any other matter

oh wait you were nightkilled

can any villager or outsider nightkill?

Not in this set-up

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Not in this edition but the Demon can kill minions or themself

I donā€™t think thatā€™s what happened but it is technically speaking possible

/whisper Nerbins @Nerbins


actually no

Iā€™m going to wait for eeveeā€™s seal of approval before doing this

Fair enough

In any case I personally think Nerbins should wait to come out with their results unless weā€™re trying to execute someone he checked as a no (Iā€™m assuming yesterday wouldā€™ve been different if he received a yes)

This is basically to avoid giving the Demon a list of confirmed-not-the-Demon people to kill


Is it weird I got no results last night?

No, thatā€™s normal when you die unless youā€™re, like, Ravenkeeper

Ah ha EZ scum-slip boiz this not right I won the game