Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

There are 2.

Oh dang

Baron confirmed?


I already posted such a list you know?

Demon killed outside of this list regardless.

Thatā€™s why if Nerbins said his role to noone else, it means that this kill comes from either me (which I know is not true) or 2 scum sitting next to each other.

Iā€™d like to know if iā€™ve been confirmed as baron ravenkeeper yet

Unless it was unlucky af bounce.

Just 1 person whispered to me so far, you know that, right?

I canā€™t guess the result until someone tells me it.

And they canā€™t tell me it without whispering me.


Or randomly. Demon could have gotten lucky even though itā€™s an odd kill.

Who tf kills Nerbins n1?

The person who killed nerbins n1, quite clearly.

Actually good point Iā€™m the mislynch man clearly this is a conspiracy

/whisper Eevee


This is coming from me, D-Demon what the heck?

Demon, you baka! Baka baka baka baka!

Well, I see that the discussion has stalledā€¦ Shall we liven things up?

Nominations are now open! Please ping Priestess or myself when nominating. You have twelve hours in which to submit nominations for execution.

I nomin- ohā€¦rightā€¦

/nominate wazza @Tangeld