Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

/Hand Down WazzaAzza
/Keep Other Two Votes the Same
@Tangeld @anon97870008

Waz is not the demon. we need to find the demon; that’s in the end all that matters.

I agree, but knocking out a minion tonight doesn’t hurt…especially if he really is poisoner.

By the way, I have discovered that I made the same accidental mistakes as Isaac, so I requested a mute for 24 hours, or I’ll just not post for the next 24 hours, sorry guys. I’m too lawful to evade the punishment.

fair . . .


Imagine flipping Magnus or Isaac and them showing as “investigator” instead of soldier.

That would be sweet.

Also @Simon
I still want to whisper you, tho kinda less.

/whisper @eevee

i mean unless the undertaker gave eevee that info, i cant.
because i dont know who your are, so until then or until you convince me as i previously described, i think your a minion.
also, i was already gone by the time you posted, so :man_shrugging:

Does my previous whisper still count?

Y’all are fricken mean

That’s the point.

1 Like

Italy, I thought we were friends.

We were until you all launched me into the ocean

I didn’t want that!

I may have hands’ upped but that’s because I had to.

The day has ended and all unsubmitted votes have been defaulted to pardon. Please wait while the results are processed.

( I really hoped we could end today early with all votes submitted, but /shrug.)

Tan counted the last of the day’s votes, then addressed the town. “I can’t say I’m terribly surprised… Wazza shall be executed!”

“Pfft. Nope. Not happening.”

“Wazza, please. There can’t be a Vortox, you don’t get to just say no to everything.”

“No, I think I d-“

Tan finished applying the tape to Wazza’s mouth. “Much better. Now then, I have a decent idea for this one…”

An hour later, Wazza found himself tied to a post at the edge of town, with a rather strange assortment of items at his feet. A wicker basket, three jars of honey, and a bowl of noodles. The townsfolk were confused as to just what Tan had in store, but she wasn’t there to provide any answers.

It didn’t take long, however, for Tan to appear with an armful of sticks. “Now then, I think we have all of our bait gathered. This should be fun!”

Marshal voiced the town’s confusion. “What do you mean, ‘bait’? What are you baiting with three honeypots, a picnic basket, and- Oh.”

Tan simply beamed as she tossed down the sticks at Wazza’s feet. “Yep, we’re gonna feed him to the bears! A nice last snack for them before they hibernate! But we need the most important ingredient of all in this bear bait… A small forest fire!” As she spoke, she began to furiously rub two of the dropped sticks together, sparking a small fire in no time at all.

Tan, however, had neglected to take into account how dry the wood she had gathered truly was. Her small fire quickly grew into a properly-fledged bonfire, with Wazza still tied in the middle of it all.

Thankfully, the dark clouds that had been gathering over Ravenswood Bluff provided rain as well. No bears were harmed in this forest fire.

Wazza has been executed and Day 2 ends. Please submit your Night 3 actions within twenty-four hours.


This topic was automatically opened after 24 hours.

The sun was set to rise on Ravenswood Bluff in just under an hour. Tan surveyed the town as its citizens went about their work; some honorable, some malicious. And she was truly bored. She drifted lazily through the night’s rain alongside Priestess as they plotted the next manner of public execution.

“I still like the idea of baiting in the bears, you know. We could try it again today, the rain should mean that the wood isn’t as dry and we won’t end up with another blaze that quickly. Perfect bear bait.”

Priestess just sighed. “Tan, sweetie, I keep telling you that that’s not how bears work.”

“Priestess, I’ve seen the documentaries. Bears love honey, they’re always trying to outsmart the park ranger, and they’re always nearby to help prevent forest fires.”

“For the last time, Tan, those aren’t docu-“ Priestess stopped mid-sentence as the two of them could hear chanting in a broken, gravelly voice.

“Albarq, wadurib almanzil alrrabie eshr!” As the voice spoke, the rain ceased for a brief moment. The silence was short-lived, however, as a bolt of lightning seemed to rip through the sky over Ravenswood Bluff, bringing the full wrath of nature upon one house in particular.

Tan seemed almost transfixed by the flames now dancing amidst the ruins. “Looks like our demon is starting to take a little pride in the spectacle of things! I’m setting a good example… Wait, whose house was this?”

Kyo’s ghost floated out of the wreckage. “I’ll give you three guesses whose house this was, you batty banshee.”

“Joke’s on you, Kyo, I only need two.”

KyoDaz has met with an unfortunate end. Day 3 has begun, and the discussion phase is now open.

Everyone who’s alive, whisper Eev for undertaker cover.