Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

I’m not fucking scum

You may indeed whisper while dead. As mentioned at the start of Day 2, you also still count as present in regards to neighbor whispers. In your specific instance, Kyo, this would mean that Eevee and Possessed may not freely whisper, as you are still between the two.

Neither am I. Apparently there’s a spy that has all the information and is feeding it to the demon.

Or the Demon is just getting lucky.

Or Eevee was the spy all along. Who knows.

I’m not a spy. I’ve never whispered anyone besides eevee and Arete.

You and I are in Demon PoE, not spy.

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I guess we could be spies to…but realistically ANYONE can be a spy.

I also don’t get why I could be a demon because Eevee has information on me that confirms I can only be a spy or Town/Outsider.

How does demon even know anything
Did they even do whispers?

So to my understanding, scum know eachother by now. If there is a spy, they know each class in the game and they could have communicated that info to the demon.

Also Demon gets 3 unused claims, so they know 3 classes to fake from. That info should have ALSO been passed.

I don’t understand how I am in the demon PoE. I am confirmed and eevee turning on me like this baffles me.

Possible -he’s- the spy, but then were pretty effed.

Omg. Do they have majority and he’s flexing? How many are left?

Nevermind. Did the math and its not possible since at the most we got a guaranteed scum down in Wazza so that leaves 2-3 v 7.

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if they have majority, the game should have been called by now, so I doubt it.

The game does not necessarily end if evil is able to achieve majority, as the votes are not necessarily decided by a majority of living players. Remember that dead players each get one vote to execute on any nomination.

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Italy actually has a rather interesting story to tell in this regard; his first game of Trouble Brewing was won by good despite there being three evil players alive and only two good. Italy was able to nominate the true Demon and gather enough “ghost votes” to his side to force an execution.


Oof. Tbh I don’t think that’s a very fair mechanic but whateva.