Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Not only that

If someone could whisper trace Magnus thatd be swell. Could be passing information through hidden cracks.

My first whisper of the game was with eevee. He told me he was confirmed to be either washer or lib. I said I knew what role he was right away as I was the other.

Is Simon confirmed? What if he just guessed incorrectly?

You started the whisper rather late in the day, thoughā€¦

If Eevee isnā€™t actually WW, why was he so insistent on whispering Possessed in particular on the grounds that it would confirm him? confused Arete noises

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Remember that Kyo neighbors eevee, and was the first person to talk. He probably told eevee & possessed that he confirmed them as good.



Can you confirm if thatā€™s true?


Me and Kyo have been whispering all game. I made it look like I didnā€™t already know Eevee was confirmed but I knew before we first whispered.

This post makes sense with Eevee as WW and was what I was referring to

That mightā€™ve been the point.

Eevee was really signaling that they were WW or Librarian, which iā€™m assuming was to throw the demon off their tracks.

Correct. While Kyo could have just passed info down, I think Eevee didnā€™t want it to look like Kyo was Empath in public.

Correct. We didnā€™t want Demon to know Eeveeā€™s or my role since they were big roles.

I can just say that iā€™ve never failed to pinpoint the demon in a game of BotC
Usually because I manage to thunderdome them, butā€¦

i thought it was believed that i was drunk/fabled

because unless we know where we could place those, your gamesolve is incomplete

Magnus has whispered Shurian and Hail

Eevee and Wazza have whispered Magnus

Magnus neighbors Maxwell and Possessed

So the way I see it, I actually think Simon might have guessed incorrectly on his fake role. Either way one if Magnus/Simon is scum but not both.