Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

So Isaac neighbors Wazza and Nerbins. Nerbins dead, Wazza scum. He has two whispers, one with Eevee, one with Shurian.

Wazza neighbors Maxwell. I THINK he got off a whisper on Arete but that’s it besides Eevee.

I dont remember whispering him tho

Wazza seems truly uninformed.

Wazza cannot be spy here and if they are SW or Baron its a huge lol

Maybe you didn’t accept it then. Either way, I don’t believe Wazza was informed by anyone.

Well I mean, I know his role but you’d have to believe me to believe it. Any case, everything is honestly pointing to rogue scumming.

Could demon have killed Nerbins because they thought if Nerbins died they could talk with Wazza? Which would point to Simon as an uninformed Demon.

There’s no such thing iirc from discussion with Arete

At least for this game >_>

Incoming Revelation:

According to OP, we are in a 14 player game. A 14 player game has 9 Town/1 Outsider/ 3 Minions/ 1 Demon.

We have TWO Outsider claims.

/Nominate Director

I want an apology from you @eevee.

Simon claims guy who saw Italy and Magnus as candidates for Invest from my knowledge

Italy isnt that, nor is Magnus… so I was thinking Simon Drunk. Eevee has gone through with me that much at least

Simon can’t be drunk. Its a 14 player game which again means one outsider.

Simon can be FABLED.

Regardless, we’ve found a potential Demon Thunderdome with you and Director. Maxwell confirmed you, so unless Maxwell is in contact with Spy (or is Spy) or you’re both exactly scum…this would clear BOTH of you.

Thats the thing
There’s a thing called Baron and I personally believe thats in play
Unless Hail is

Simon is Malfunctioning town
Hail is fake outsider

Obviously if rather hang a Butler than a Saint too, so it shouldn’t be up for discussion. Director is -the- hang today.

This would ALSO confirm my theory: Scum is uninformed or there just isnt a spy in play.

Stop being paranoid, Eevee.

DirectorHail public whispers: 0
DirectorHail neighbors: Simon and Marshal

/Hands Up Hail
@Italy @anon97870008

/Hand Down Maxwell
/Hand Up DirectorHail

@Tangeld @anon97870008

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/Hand Up DirectorHail