Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Eevee knew.
I had all roles somewhere mid-day 2

I mean yeah Eevee could be some sort of evil, but I think Kyos check is legit. The only thing leading me that way is the way Eevee is acting.

I am not Slayer.

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Iā€™m Empath.

Also that.

Speaking of poisoner, something concerns meā€¦


Go on

If wazza poisoned kyo, why did he receive a 0?

Where did Wazza say he poisoned Kyo?

Somewhere on the first day, quite sure.

Could be a bait, as this was a response to Kyo faking Slayer. If its legit, it would depend on how malfunction works. In the case that a malfunction 100% gives wrong results, one of me and Eevee are suspect.

In which case, were in A LOT of trouble.

Id still rather believe it was Wazza baiting, even though I have a confirm on him that heā€™s Poisoner so he COULD have malfunctioned Kyo.

Itā€™s not guaranteed for malfunctions to give false results, but the ST wouldnā€™t give accurate results on a N1 malfunction

Thatā€™s assuming heā€™s truth telling, which he hasnā€™t all game. Even then, hed have to randomly guess to malfunction Kyo N1 which I believe was before day chat.

Donā€™t forget that heā€™d be in an info line with the spy because of maxwell.

(Right Iā€™m back from my trip, hence I was afk for the last 2 days. I let the hosts know.)
Apparently Iā€™ve already been ratted out, I claimed to Eevee via whispers ages ago.

Thatā€™s 3 implied scum in a row? I donā€™t buy those odds.

Were all out at this time. If we can get a Baron flip, we can confirm you.

There are no flips.