Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

The sun rose once again over Ravenswood Bluff. Tan roused the tired townsfolk and gathered everyone in the town square.

“Now, I know I’m hard on you guys sometimes, and sometimes you’ve really earned it, but I would be remiss if I didn’t point out when you all did something well. So I’m taking the time to thank you all for killing the whisper meta.”

“Wait… How did we kill the whisper meta again?”

“By killing the one who started it, of course! Welcome to the club, Eevee!”

“Yep… Saw that one coming.”

“And yet, you died anyway. The curse of foresight, eh? Maybe put it to better use by telling us who gets executed today. Speaking of which… Shall we begin?”

Looks like Eevee won’t be evolving anytime soon… Day 4 has begun, and the discussion phase is now open.

Anyone gonna pick up that phone?
Because i CALLED IT

Possessed, results pls

@Possessed results plox.

I’m not picking up that phone, Italy. Last time I did, I got asked if my refrigerator was running.

Is it, though?

Eevee down, but that’s ok since I have GREAT NEWS.

Magnus wasn’t the spy; he was the IMP. The game isn’t over which means Scarlet Witch is in play.

Remember your theory, Italy? Isaac counter claiming Magnus? I think that’s reality.

You don’t have a refrigerator.

I thought this city didn’t have any power.

Doot doot doot

Okay no, what?

Okay, I’m going to be honest with you guys.

So then isaac’s the Imp.

Surprised your Imp buddy didn’t kill me before I outted that.

You know how all roles are unique, right?

Alright so I nominate isaa-

Isaac is a minion. Basically, the Imp has 3 unused claims; if he claimed Soldier, that means there is no soldier.

You’re more dumb than I expected.

Nevermind, I’m not gonna bother telling y’all anything.

I think isaac was SW trying to thunderdome magnus then.
It’s a common strat.

According to your claim, it would be:


We’d all be in a god damn line, meaning it would be easy to send information to everyone.

You’d be surprised how common it is for evils to be lined up.