Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

I highkey think you might be Drunk or under the influence of Channel-master


If thatā€™s the case, the hosts are really screwing with me because both Italy and Wazza claimed before my reveal could confirm them.

I mean, one or both of them couldā€™ve been lying

I can only go on the information I get, so weā€™ll never know. Quite possible I AM Drunk and scum is keeping me around to mislead the court in which caseā€¦yikes.

However I think Wazza is just trying this weird misdirection route to steer us away. I think we havenā€™t hit the new demon in Isaac, and we arenā€™t as close to finding them as we think.





weā€™re executing you today

i come back after a bit and this is what i see im disappointed

Oh there you are, traveler.

Well Magnus was demon, which means he took a fakeclaim that doesnā€™t exist. So you donā€™t exist. Why shouldnā€™t you die if weā€™ve determined you shouldnā€™t exist?

why canā€™t i exist?

Imp gets 3 fakeclaims to start that arenā€™t in the game. One of those was Soldier.

ah yes counterclaim the demon as scum top tier move even when scum knows they get 3 fakeclaims

if ur really gonna kill me then check me at night please

What I think is you two didnā€™t discuss which fakeclaim each of you would get. Only explanation.

Possessed dies tomorrow.

wait so what do you think i am

Could be Spy who has all the claims but took a claim the Demon took on accident. Could be anything as long as you guessed, really.