Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

I don’t think Simon/Marshal is necessarily a team

Marshal/Hail could be in which case you would be very likely to be town

I’ll post our entire chat history.

Gimme a sec

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also MiX on the BotC server says this has been officially ruled on and that the ruling was that the Drunk can’t think they’re the Spy

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you said marshal was minion and simon was demon (in ur demon poe he was first)

Simon and Hail are my Demon PoE

I don’t think Simon/Marshal is plausible but it’s not impossible

Marshal/Hail is super plausible and apparently they’re sitting next to each other, which I totally hadn’t noticed

ah. well theres a lot of stuff like that that makes accounting for everything unfeasible. that was just what i could think of.
point stands

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This is the Signature Page for blood on the forums. The Goal is to pass this in full circle through neighbor chats before the end of the game. Once this reaches the last person to sign it, they are to post “we did it” and the full signature page. To comply, Simply take the photo and sign your name below the one before you(with whatever tool you need, works well), and send your signed photo along with this message copy pasted to your neighbor below you. Cheers!

This is the only thing I’ve posted there.

And I don’t think he even made it happen. I am sad.

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also you technically wouldn’t have to be town if Magnus was town and Possessed was Drunk etc.

then that would open like 100 more possibilities

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If that’s the case this game is suuuuper busted.

I’m Gonna ignore that all together

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i’d be genuinely concerned if tan was mastermind enough to give a drunk player correct results on the first (technically second) night

also fun fact possessed, you aren’t the first person to call tan a psychotic specter

The last person to call me a psychotic specter… also died. I’m sensing a pattern.

Also, Italy, did you miss the part where Kyo called me a “batty banshee”?

Don’t think i’ve heard that one before

would you prefer ‘relevant revenant’?

It was nice knowing you

From now on, my title shall be “Wonderful Wraith”.

@mods get to work

Shoot I’m ded