Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

that wouldn’t be up to tan, it would be luck


Everything luck is ST’s choice except what token you roll

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did not know

Simon, remind me who the two people you supposedly saw were?

i think im quitting this game. I have multiple big finals upcoming and i’ve accepted that it’s very likely i’ve lost as there is no good answer between arete, simon, and marshal. Good luck guys

High-key expecting us to figure out who the Demon is and lose because half the town doesn’t bother to vote in LyLo

also because there are like three players who actually know how the mechanics of the game work and I’m pretty sure one of them is evil

Also, tan is accepting that he situation has become serious but won’t just tell us who the demon is.

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Reminder that you are still able to prevote today. In the event that people get really slow with the votes, I may elect to just skip them so as not to hold the whole thing up.

And Italy, you should know it would never be that simple. It’s never that simple in Trouble Brewing.

no, if shurian is killed then we’re better off.
i will not be nominating today unless it is to tie the vote.

hypothetically for that first bit, i could be
for the second bit, i did. but that was because it was the last day of a 5 day break and i was tired and forgetful.

no she isnt. its slight but that slight chance could be useful.

the drunk and the role the drunk thinks they are cannot roll in the same game iirc

one was magnus, i think the other was italy, as investigator
let me check to confirm…

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Only one way to convince the people
DEAD TAX :rooslam:


The answer to this question is two words

Oh okay you did

at least its 3, and i directly answered your question

Yes simon, that’s correct

I didn’t see that you’d answered it

do you mean you are investigator, or are you confirming to me what my own results were?

and no that isnt a (town) slip its worded that way intentionally

No, I just know those were your results