Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

If we assume Magnus was legitimately the starting Demon then Maxwell Spy would explain the really good kills

but Maxwell Spy should have meant that Wazza didn’t claim an in-play character

…Marshal’s been getting annoyed and defensive specifically when I bring up the possibility of Spy!Maxwell

Time To Tinfoil Myself Into Oblivion I Guess

I actually suggest tinfoiling yourself into Morrowind. Better game.

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stop beating around the bush

who is demon? me or simon?

That’s what I’m trying to figure out right now

if it’s Simon and not you I suggest doing something AI so I don’t fuck up F3

i don’t think it’s simon.

I think the demon is you

in fact i’ve said this for a while.

just tell me who you think the demon is. the lynch on directorhail looks shitty for you, too



that’s what I’m trying to figure out

GTH it’s you but it could be either of you and I have time to think this through

I don’t even know if this is scum-AI

it could be an honest mistake

Marshal being the Demon doesn’t make sense with his play yesterday unless he was intentionally levelling

please do not ping me. as i said, i’m done playing this game. thanks

I realize that we’re not supposed to tell people to replace out but if that’s the attitude you’re going to have about it you should probably replace out


we do in fact have an established procedure for what to do when you don’t have time to play a game you committed to

i requested to but got no response. so if it wasn’t already clear, i’ve replaced out.

n.b. you = Simon

this is partially why I think Maxwell could be Spy with Marshal Demon

but Maxwell’s decided not to play this game so I can’t even ask him about it

if Maxwell is good and we lose I’m blaming him
this is stupid and petty and unfair to him but

if it’s not his fault it’s our fault and i don’t like that idea so it doesn’t exist

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I feel like I should probably be able to get something AI from this

Yeah. Tan didn’t track ghost votes D5, has to be atheist game

Marshal is playing suboptimally if he’s Demon and Maxwell was Spy

if that’s the case he should have just starpassed to Maxwell and let us think the Demon was being confusing for no reason


all living players are voting yes on Wazza to force a no-execution-of-living-players situation

if you are confused about why then like this post and I can explain it to you before you post

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