Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

only people with the right theme see this properly


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I just realized this is a pariody of blood on the clock tower. :smiley:
(So I have played this sort of before) i think

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Should those of us who have whispered with Maxwell previously add TWL to the DM?

That would certainly make things easier on your poor hosts, yes.

claim or die

And yes, this is basically BotC. We don’t even have to convert you, you already know the game!

I was discussing how to cause maximum suffering as storyteller, and apparently a game with 10 spies is possible.

He’s already dead :dagger:

I exist to spite god

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WTF please no.

Challenge Accepted

shhh dont tell them

Have all the spies register as townsfolk so you draw more spy tokens :upside_down_face:

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He already knows.

@TrustworthyLiberal ignore these people. they’ve no idea what they’re talking about.
now claim… or die :smiling_imp:


Maxwell claimed Empath with 0/1/1 before he died, is that accurate to what he received?

arete no you FOOL

Okay please know am on mobile and trying to get past all the pings

I am a simple librarian

we were supposed to see if TL claimed the same thing