Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Despite rather confusing instructions from Maxwell that very nearly led to the spending of his ghost vote, it is not in fact spent yet.

And you thought Isaac and I were scum based off Max being evil! Et tu, Brute!

Arete, Shurian, Marshal and Simon are still alive.

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Has a baron been found?

I thought you were scum based of simon being not scum to be fair


Current plan is for the four of us to lynch Wazza’s dead body so that evils can’t force a nomination today

I’m Mayor, Shurian is Saint, Marshal claims Slayer, Simon claims Washerwoman (with verifiably false information)

Okay that all makes sense and your mayor claim should make sense how many dead votes remain?

The only spent ghost vote is Italy’s.

We suspect a Baron

Hail claimed Butler and Shurian Saint, and we suspect there’s a Drunk (although note that we’re playing with a special text games Fabled that essentially adds a second Drunk)

So did the saint claim before I/Max revealed our information publicly?

He never revealed info publicly.

I read his mind and outed everything he knew

Eevee (whom I strongly townread based on associations with Wazza, who’s been lolcatting since D1) convinced almost everyone to claim in whisper to them; you and Shuri don’t neighbor each other, so the whisper would have needed to have been announced, and you didn’t whisper before doing so

Okay that’s good just trying to help best i can make all possibilitys open.

And any thing proving your mayor claim?

I’m confirmed not to be the starting Demon but not mechanically confirmed to be Good, nor to be functioning properly


didnt eevee claim librarian?

Eevee initially claimed WW publicly but was FPSing as Monk

So you might have started Scarlet Woman.

Which is something to keep in mind that or the Demon might have self killed

But i think its better to Lynch the corpse like said but firstly.
Can they withhold killing?
What has the kill pattern been?

No he claim on of another role and librian in wispers to max
Where max claimed the other.