Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

what was the general read on maxwell?

arete, wheres recluse in your list? if there’s a baron all 4 outsiders should be present

There’s no Recluse, and 14p has 1 outsider by default so a Baron would make it 3

we’re 15p

I read Maxwell and TL as socially town

mechanically they’re town-or-Spy

Check the OP, we’re 14p

oh, well wewere in the signup thread where i was looking

yes, but what was the genera read.
if you asked one person of the active town at random, what do you think you would get?

As far as I know Italy is the only one seriously pushing the scum!Maxwell hypothesis

Isaac was a good lynch. The only info we have to go on is the info from my ability. Its only logical if a demon pops up who claimed Soldier that there WASNT a soldier.

Maxwell’s sudden turn to ‘Arete confscum’ was too fast, and he was convinced by marshal saying that he voted hail and him but not arete
a bit odd, don’t you think


Not interested in misc game + No time.

I guess trust’s info lined up so unless maxwell planned ahead, they should be good

At this point, I’m going to assume that Kyo isn’t voting. He’s been on and knows that it’s his turn, still hasn’t voted. So I’m marking Kyo’s vote as no. We go to Eevee, voted no, skip Italy, Arete and Shurian have prevoted yes, @Marshal is our next vote. Currently at two votes of four, which is enough to execute.


You spent your ghost vote. No sympathy.

You use spike strips for bobsleds.


… So I put my /hands up [wazza]
They’re playing my song,
And the butterflies fly away
Noddin’ my head like, yeah
Movin’ my hips like, yeah
I got my hands up,
They’re playin’ my song
You know I’m gonna be okay
Yeah, it’s a party in the USA
Yeah it’s a party in the USA

stop and delete this