Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Hold on, you what?

But in this situation its better to kill Simon then to no Lynch as if anything stops the majors action good would lose.
Since i trust Arete and You I am on the case of killing Simon

Iā€™m more disappointed that you picked Luna over Goon

You told me you didnā€™t forceroll anything that game!

Wait, was Simon nominated? Youā€™re saying this like Simon was nominated.

I guess
Arete and Simon together tho? I dont see that happening tbh.

Shurian nominated simon
Get with the times

Shuri nominated Simon

I may have made a terrible mistake
I didnt me swear

Someone tell me these things, especially when I clearly havenā€™t noticed them until now.

Shurian has nominated Simon. Shurian, you may state your accusation.

@Tangeld Shurian nominated simon.

Youā€™re the Demon, Simey!
Only that and that

Also, I didnā€™t forceroll you that game. I forcerolled Italy as Lunatic because I wanted to see how long before he realized it, I forcerolled Verbal as Exorcist because of his miserable bluff as Exorcist in the game before, and after I had randomized, I swapped the Pukka and Chambermaidā€™s positions because I wanted the Pukka next to the Mastermind.

You mean we could have had Neb as our Demon?

I get that me being lunatic was fitting, but not goon?
Iā€™m disappointed, tan.

I suppose not much more needs to be said. @Simon, your defense?

That game would have been so much less sad of Neb had been the Demon


Notingā€¦ We should expect such things to happenā€¦ Host is terribly sadisticā€¦

Remember the job of the host for BoTc is to make the game as fun as possible for everyone slightly differently the a normal mafia game

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