Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

I mean, not for me; I knew all along there likely wasn’t a spy. Too many fuck ups for them to have spy.

Or tan decides you’ve taken long enough

If your next post does not contain a vote declaration, I’ll mark you as pardon. You get one post before you have to place your vote (the intention being that that post allows you to make your case as to why you’re voting the way you’re voting).

well for me it means it has to be shurian. thats what im saying. idk about this whole librarian thing but from what im seeing here and now thats what it seems like

Tan, tan, hey tan
What if we used the firework for this execution, just like last time?
I can’t even be caught on it because I can phase through objects and also i can’t die if i’m a ghost

Still, you only realised it on day what… 5 or 6 that I was orginal demon? LMAO.


Make one sentence on why you aren’t the Demon.
If you break that or fail to do so and I’ll park my vote on you.

I realized you were evil when you declared you weren’t going to help
But we never knew you were demon :upside_down_face:

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Thanks for the info, pal.

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Now we know Kyo was the Drunk/Channeled

If it has to be Shurian, then you say there is no Baron. And you say Maxwell is scum with Shurian. Also means Shurian killed the minion, Maxwell.

or poisoned i guess

Wasn’t channel master only in play day one?

:thinking: I don’t know…

No, I mean wasn’t it only in effect starting day one?

Never said so.

Unless I’m Drunk, you can’t be OG Demon. You outted both your scum team.

FYI eevee, declaring you won’t help despite being town was a massive scumtell, especially since you’re the mod and know that going against your wincon is gamethrowing

Kyo AND me both can’t be drunk. Eevee just playing around.

…Don’t do that please.

@Tangeld when was channel master first active?