Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Discobot is the dice roller, right?

Thatā€™s right.

I just realised.
Regardless of whether Simon is good or bad, he knows that he loses unless he survives today.
If heā€™s not nominating someone else, itā€™s like he wants to be lynchedā€¦
So perhaps heā€™s not the Demon.
Perhaps heā€™s a minion, trying to sacrifice himself so Demon wins.
Feel free to discount as Iā€™m lock starting demon :man_shrugging:

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I see no particular reason to disallow it, but Iā€™d hope that you can do better than rolling dice to figure out who the Demon could be here.

And Simon is a loss of words.

Are you though? You havenā€™t defended your Soldier claim well, but I canā€™t see a Town Eevee throwing in favor of scum by announcing OG Demon. Isaac could actually be the fake and my drunk results accidentally got him killed anyway.

Iā€™m not lol. Iā€™m joking. Iā€™m not demon clearly.

Gotta go now. :wave: Good luck?

I mean, Wazza converted me to mafia anyway.

They promissed cookies.

Now I win with evil, cause even if I lose, cookies will make my day sweeter. :^)

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im not saying any of that. like i said ive no idea whats gone into supposedly proving them so if you expect me to respond to this you best be giving explanations

scuse me? it means i want to lynch shurian but if i nominate them and its arete they straight up win

im not, im just searching for a particular image response to a thing and dont want to respond until that happens
ah forget it. i guess im not finding it

I counterclaim starting Demon, eevee.

No, iā€™m starting demon!

I actually am starting domen.


Simon - minion
Arete - demon
Shurian - town

Is impossible.

Shurian already nominated, so if they nominated minion in situation like thatā€¦ noone would nominate demon, so scum would win.

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who do you think is demon

Simon is trying to get arete to nom shurian and isnā€™t gloating over how they won, so theyā€™re either demon or town

I think he knows, and if he knows id rather him mute himself this game and let us figure it out (or not).