Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]


Can you walk me through why you think it’s Shurian, and in particular how a Shurian world is consistent with the mechanical information in play? Because right now I’m pretty convinced it’s you, but if there’s something I’m missing I’d like to be aware of it

I suppose the question then becomes which half of town does show up to vote.

why did u skip me

its been 2 hours skip wazza since u gave me less than 30 minutes

The problem was that you made two posts neither of which contained a vote

Nerbins got at least several hours

thank you very cool

…You know something? Nearly half the day is gone and we’ve logged a grand total of two votes. Clockhand voting with this group was not a great idea. Screw it, we’re going back to the normal setup. @Arete and @Simon may still place nominations and vote on same. @Shurian has already nominated today, but may still vote.

I would’ve voted someone if i knew it was time to vote someone

@eevee-sama, @Marshal, @DirectorHail, @Nerbins, @Isaac_Gonzalez, @Wazza, @TrustworthyLiberal, @Magnus, @Possessed and @KyoDaz all have the ghost vote still technically open. So far, the only nomination is on Simon, but you may vote on other nominations when they’re placed.

whats going on now wth

Isaac, the message was literally “You’re next to vote on Simon.” I don’t think there was a way to make that message clearer.

aka lost wolfs?

@Arete nominate yourself or nominate shurian so that I can nominate the other. there is no risk as i am already nominated. once we do this we dont have to worry about missing the demon

the above was drafted as of when i came home today. not going to mess with it tho.

Part of the reason i think its shurian was because i was really agreeing with stuff you said day 6, and then this was reiterated today when i was reading people’s arguments against me. I found that i agreed with them. which makes no sense because i see myself as town (YRINE yada yada). So my conclusion was that some assumption they or i had made must be incorrect. and i was looking at what they were talking about, and in general a lot of the threads for what they were assuming seemed to be based in prior evidence (i.e. evidence from other games which we now have perfect information on), but the main part i noticed was that they were assuming shurian is confirmed town, which is only from information from this game (where we notably do not have perfect information). i still dont know why shurians confirmed, ive seen some people say some stuff about librarian and eevee, but without a proper explanation of it i simply do not know the reasoning behind confirming them, despite my expressed lack of information. so i have been operating under the assumption that it is not a hard confirmation, that there is some window in there, that people either didnt realize is there, or have discounted because it is very unlikely. i am willing to break this assumption, i just dont have the actual case so im assuming something middle-of-the-road. combined with earlier reasoning that someone’s assumption is incorrect, i believe that shurian is the demon here.
regardless of whether you think it is me here though, nominate shurian or yourself and i shall do the other so we (read: I) can stop worrying about nominating shurian and missing the demon.

to go back a bit as i work my way back to where i was before i responded to arete’s ping, i dont think this is the case. i think that if i were demon it would have been (specifically past tense) in my best interest to kill shurian. because had marshal been alive at daystart, he would have almost immediately nominated shurian. and on that day, i remember that arete and i think a couple others were townreading me due to my tone or something, so i think that in this hypothetical, either arete would counter-nominate marshal and i would win, or arete would do the honestly smart thing and nominate me and leave me to nominate marshal (even if he scumreads marshal more than me this is the smart decision), but end up voting up on marshal and down on me.
I personally think that would be a lot better than having the relatively 50/50 that i believe was on arete last day, and the perceived ““100%”” town on shurian.

I didn’t think the nominations closed

lol wut

can you just nominate arete

Isaac, the nominations are not closed. But I cannot register a vote from you on a player that has not yet been nominated. You were being prompted to vote on Simon because Simon was the only person nominated at the time (and is still the only person nominated as I type this) and your vote was the next one to lock in. You also were not given a time limit in which you had to place your vote, but I had said multiple times that once prompted for a vote, if a player made two posts in the thread without placing their vote, their vote would be registered as pardon. You made two posts in the thread without placing a vote on Simon’s nomination, and therefore your vote was registered as pardon.

what was my time limit?

cracks my desk from slamming my head into it repeatedly

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can you just end the day I voted simon