Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Same tho

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I donā€™t know how to refute arguments that are that obviously dumb

thereā€™s not a nicer way to say it

If youā€™ve been trying to say things ā€˜nicerā€™ this entire time, youā€™ve failed completely.

I am trying not to be overtly an asshole because I, like, have an ethical system that I vaguely care about following

anyways Discourse ate my post but obviously I care

youā€™re very likely town and every townie who votes wrong makes it more likely that we lose

Iā€™m inviting you to be one at this current moment. Go ham hen.

ā€¦okay Iā€™m going to be totally honest I just wrote up a post about all the reasons why I think youā€™re a bad player who is playing badly but then I imagined Vulgard reading it and being disappointed in me

so Iā€™m not going to post it

apparently my mental model of Vulgard has decided to replace a not insignificant part of my moral decision making??

@brain why

Feels the need to clarify they are telling the truth

Already says the damage they were going to do.

Yet attempts to say your ā€˜thinkingā€™ to justify why you canā€™t make the post.

This is yet another reason why you are evil. Iā€™ve already invited you to make a geniune post. The damage has already been done.
Iā€™m up for a argument and ready to rumble. Letā€™s have it.

If you canā€™t model the concept that I might have principles thatā€™s kind of not my problem

That wasnā€™t what happened with me. I just didnā€™t know who to vote and requested around 9 hours ago in PM to be skipped because I took way too long. It wasnā€™t because Iā€™m inactive, I am very much paying attention but I couldnā€™t come to a decision between Simon and Arete and didnā€™t want to make the wrong choice.

Also question how did Eev know Posā€™d role to begin with? I donā€™t remember if they explained it or not but if Eev genuinely knew he could not have been the OG demon and would have to have been the spy
Didnā€™t ask this earlier cuz I didnā€™t want to blow my chance to vote

If you actually believed that it was your principles preventing you from telling me then youā€™d have already come to the conclusion itā€™d be better to tell me than withhold the information.
I believe the reason you are refusing to make any judgement on my gameplay is not because of your ā€˜moral principlesā€™ but because you subconciously feel the need to not aggravate people or that may get you lynched.

Again, Iā€™m inviting you to bash my gameplay. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

oh fuck off

this is specifically about the quote marks

Possessed (and basically the entire game) claimed to Eevee in whisper

The quotation marks are because you are obviously not bound by rules in accordance to morals.
Rules do not exist in moral decisions.

are you a boomer yes or no

Ah. So thereā€™s still a chance Eev was the original demon?

itā€™s called deontology

like Iā€™m not even a deontologist but you are objectively wrong about one of the three major classifications of ethical systems

Iā€™m taking a break from this thread before I end up saying something I regret

@KyoDaz if you actually think Iā€™m evil for trying to be a decent person then you are playing worse than in SF4