Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Shurian has the scum MVP, Isaac gets the hustle award.

This is LITERALLY what happened there


I was waiting for EOD but I didnt set my alarm and by the time I got back game was over >_>

Isaac worked real hard to pull the pieces back together, Shurian just set themselves up a good claim early and coasted to F3.


if maxwell is town and has a greencheck just policy lynch said greenchecked person


Thats not how it works D:

I agree with this statement

This is slightly less bad in my opinion

In Mafia Academy if he had said ā€˜I saw a fullcop on Astand last night, heā€™s a neutral fruit vendor, if he can tell me his wincon I trust him absolutelyā€™ it would have been a town win in most possible scenarios

Thatā€™s a fair assessment. Shurian really didnā€™t act townie, but the claim and mechanics allowed for that.


In fairness, it wasnā€™t about it being Maxwell. It was about me wanting to create a fake second Outsider so that town thought there was a Baron, because having 1 Outsider by default and only one Outsider claim in Hail would have made Hail a hardconfirm.

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In almost every game Iā€™ve been in with Isaac heā€™s either had a punishment by the game mod or had me rat him out as fellow scum for a completely legitimate reason

I didnt have to
Town were destroying themselves left and right

I hardly had to lift a finger


I have no idea why Simon didnā€™t scumread me over our whisper conversion to be honest

yeah being baronless is a good time for an outsider claim

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Also, hold on, I need to find the thing.

I made a mistake thats why :stuck_out_tongue:
Sometimes I need to know when to push agenda

Because town never rereads

ā€˜hey Simon, I think youā€™re right about Shurian, hereā€™s why you shouldnā€™t even nominate meā€™

the answer is always and shamelessly

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