Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

i’ll do it just because of what you said before that

they have to be funny, as graded by the story teller.
whether that means funny to the story teller or not is up to debate.
but again its within the rules to discuss a possible different requirement with the storyteller

also after i played a deviant game, i’m pretty sure they banned deviant in like
three different places

the ST’s games from now on, anyone who was in that game who sometimes STs, and literally anyone’s in the BotC discord

Also shurian, i’m so very mad at you right now
I was going to bring back the giant firework rocket!
It was gonna be an amazing show, and everyone was gonna enjoy it!
You had to ruin it by just sticking to the classic noose execution

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jeez, what did you do

what didn’t i do

i used information leaked to me by the host (don’t ask) to form a gamesolve as good deviant, which kinda screwed the game and we all agreed on a draw

Actual take:

This game is a really good example of the importance of both (a) finding other town as town and (b) being able to be found as town

In situations where either Simon thinks I’m scum on the final day, or where I fail to realize that Simon is actually town, I think Good almost always loses to executing one of us. Simon and I finding each other as town allowed us to PoE the Demon to Shurian, and that could only happen because Simon was positively radiating towniness, and I was apparently at least townie enough that he didn’t want to lynch me

I don’t know if I explained that in a way that makes sense

And realizing that italy is always NAI if he doesn’t openwolf, get modrevealed, or get redchecked

…I have issues that i’ll probably be working on, but that’s for another time.

thats not on deviant tho. thats on host

yeah but it was kinda my fault for leaking it

still aint sounding like the fault of deviant as a role

host didn’t want me to actually reveal the info
also i was so memey because it was tied to my ability that it may have permanently affected some people’s sanity

thats still not deviant tho.
thats you

i caused them to realize the pain it could cause

The actual problem wasn’t ‘the Storyteller leaked information to Italy,’ it was everything that led up to that

The short version is that Italy felt the need to be funny, for obvious reasons, and that led to him blocking all the serious discussion with memeing, which led to a failed exile attempt and him memeing harder, and it turned into a vicious cycle where everyone was mad at everyone else

ok, so idea:
the wiki literally says its okay for the ST to change up deviant’s requirement somewhat, so if/when that happens in a game (or perhaps just preemptively as a general rule) just change the requirement a bit to make it a bit more positive
perhaps this could be a thing just for forum games.

“If you are the Deviant, but find it too much of a challenge to be funny on call, talk to the Storyteller. Together, you may determine different criteria for whether the Deviant is exiled. Instead of “being funny”, you could “create a positive mood” or “be helpful to others” instead. The Deviant is not a serious character, and its purpose is to provide an avenue for laughter, lightheartedness, and fun, so talk to the Storyteller about adjusting the Deviant criteria to your needs and talents.”