Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Claims can’t be faked by those roles.

You was in claim thunderome, I’m judging you by that and fact taht you suddenly swap it 180 degrees.

Wait, why is Arete trying to save Italy? I had my suspicions on Arete but…this just seems too bold of a move to be scumbuddying.

also I’m mildly offended that you all don’t think scum!Arete would bus Italy here :eyes:

oh screw off arete i don’t think i’ve ever seen you bus

I’m even more offended that you think i’m stupid.

this is botc
almost everything can be faked
you have to work on what is likely to be faked.
add in the fact that eevee isnt claiming their own info, but the info of others, and that goes a long way toward making it unlikely to be faked

I’m not, Italy’s probably a Minion and I’m fine with him dying, but @Marshal is highly likely to be the Demon this game and he’s pushing a narrative where I’m evil, and I would like to confirm that I’m not

I mean, closest one is like washerwoman knowing A or B is Chef.

Then A claims Chef and B claims Mator.

Do you think A randomly guessed they were checked as chef?

I doubt it.

That’s closest to what I can see as mechanical lock here.

demon, or more powerful miñion

Italy has been redchecked and is in a thunderdome and I knew both of these things

as a sidenote the people who play ToL with me regularly can confirm that I bus a lot there

Arete pointed out that Monk can prevent starpasses. If you’re so convinced that a monk exists, you don’t even have to worry about that.

It effectively outs himself though, unless he’s counting on us drawing a town.conclusion from it.

Which I don’t, FYI.

I can actually tell you’re the one who is claiming the redcheck on me because of how aggressive you are about it, marshal.



Nope Marshal’s the Demon and Italy is anti-spewing his partner

and yet, botc shenanigans with a combo of poisoner on the washerwoman, and drunk on the chef, and the storyteller being an annoying bastard that likes cool coincidences (in this hypothetical. yall are cool tangeld and priestess) and it becomes possible

yet still it is very unlikely so you roll with it and assume it true

and you for some reason wish to be the lynch

@fortune-teller if you exist check Marshal tonight

If I was evil here, I would actually be flipping tables.