Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Does killing minions help?


Reduces scum thread influence, kills theirs PRs, buys us more lynches befiore LyLo and more nights for PRs to perform actions.

also /hand down Tangeld @Tangeld

I Prefer Not Losing On The First Day

First point is wrong because dead characters can and should still talk

but when revealed as scum they can be ignored.

Letā€™s be 100% honest here and do quick math.
I claimed and got counterclaimed. This removes the possibility that I am the imp because iā€™m not fucking stupid.
If arete is evil and passed bluffs to me, this leaves one situation where I would claim a class in play. If I was baron
Executing the Baron, a role that has zero abilities and basically does as much good alive as dead is only slightly better than if I end up being the ravenkeeper. Which I am.
Killing me is reasonless no matter how you look at it.

Counterpoint: Killed scum would be showns as scum to undertaker
Undertaker can out it andā€¦ voillaā€¦ theirs influence is reduced.

The question becomes whether or not I take Magnusā€™ nomination seriouslyā€¦


If I was outed as scum, I would start launching ungodly amounts of antispew and spew alike, so you couldnā€™t even filter out which ones were right and wrong and would inevitably fail somewhere.

Tangeld, you got nominated. Magnus, youā€™re allowed to make an accusation. Tangeld, you may defend yourself.

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Actual thought on why we should execute me

Thereā€™s a claimed Undertaker, my role is not yet outed in the thread, if they correctly identify my role they can confirm themself as Spy-or-basically-legit

It doesnā€™t make a massive difference, but still good, so yes, take it seriously

Considering arete said they thought I was evil, iā€™m now wondering if they lied to me :eyes:

Thatā€™s not bad point, but I dislike that you try to hang yourself anwyay.



Hang hung heng heck feck fuck.

Accusation - Tangeld is clearly a magical princess with super long hair, and so is lying with the pfp. Likewise, we should vote both mods so game ends and everyone wins.

Eeeve.eevxe has stoped working

My defense should be rather obvious; Executing the Storyteller results in absolute anarchy and an evil win, unless the Atheist or the Heretic are in play, and neither is on this script.

I add to this: We are self-resolving.

That was directed to noone, it was mine inability to write hang correctly.

I skimmed the thread and as far as I know the only whispers thus far have been between you and your neighbors, meaning that if I was telling the truth you wouldnā€™t be able to pass this information to your scumteam