Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

hey can you say /hands up Marshal


what does me saying hands up do

Thatā€™s why I let eevee in on my plan.

vote to execute

havenā€™t read anything yet

marshal is powerwolfing

should i read all 1000 posts

/whisper Arete @Arete

you probably have time


/whisper anyone


ok noob

tan, iā€™m psychopath and i kill arete


Now that Iā€™m caught up (you people didnā€™t make it easy on me)ā€¦

KyoDaz takes a Slayer shot at WazzaAzzaā€¦ and nothing happens.

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Kyo claimed Slayer, took a shot at Wazza, and nothing happened. This means that either Kyo isnā€™t the Slayer, Kyo is the Slayer but Wazza isnā€™t the Demon, or that Kyo is Slayer and Wazza is Demon but Kyo was malfunctioning.

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Well I mean, I did malfunction him either way.

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