Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Wazz is claiming Poisoner

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I am Poisoner.

Because iā€™m not stupid enough to claim without my bluffs

I acknowledge that most people myself included make the argument ā€˜Iā€™d be too smart to do this as evilā€™ but I donā€™t exactly find it compelling

regardless of alignment

this clause was very important

Iā€™m not gonna claim if I know thereā€™s a highly likely chance iā€™ll get CCed

So youā€™re saying that Magnus is your scumbuddy? :eyes:

if thereā€™s 4 of you, and you donā€™t have bluffs, donā€™t claim

I personally think Italy is flailing and deflecting. Itā€™s kinda gross.


Quick question, is Marshal the Demon?

mAgNuS iSnT iN a ThUnDeRdOmE wItH mE yOu NuT

marshal is the worldā€™s most obvious powerwolf

the only thing thatā€™d make it more obvious is if he ran around yelling ā€œIM EVILā€

If heā€™s powerwolfing heā€™s doing a poor job.

What if Im powerwolfing

he threatened to lockscum anyone who voted hands up on him, thatā€™s anti-town


Iā€™m pretty sure based on some things Wazza said to me in whisper that youā€™re just clear

marshal is either scum, or bad at town

and i know what bad town plays are

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