Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]

Must be yeah so just ignore him

I’ve just shot him

He’s probably a Minion

Demon would not fuck up own claim twice in a row.

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If he were a Demon he wouldn’t have doubled up with me in the first place

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didn’t react to the danganronpa joke

/whisper Arete

You spoke.

He’s obviously not the demon. That was a fucking waste and I’m pretty disappointed in you.

How’s the malfunction feeling, darling?

That’s some good luck, right?

Oh my. That isn’t good.


That said it isn’t all a waste

With SW in play, demon could be ballsy enough to do that. Also saint is an instant evil win if executed.

Now we know for certain he is a minion and can ignore him for the rest of the game.

Is there a night vig?

I don’t believe so.

No nightvigs for town.

Still was bad though. No way demon fucks up their claim that hilariously badly twice in a row.

I’m the target of the Fortune Teller fable.
That’s unfortunate.