Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing [Good wins]


what does me saying hands up do

That’s why I let eevee in on my plan.

vote to execute

haven’t read anything yet

marshal is powerwolfing

should i read all 1000 posts

/whisper Arete @Arete

you probably have time


/whisper anyone


ok noob

tan, i’m psychopath and i kill arete


Now that I’m caught up (you people didn’t make it easy on me)…

KyoDaz takes a Slayer shot at WazzaAzza… and nothing happens.

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Kyo claimed Slayer, took a shot at Wazza, and nothing happened. This means that either Kyo isn’t the Slayer, Kyo is the Slayer but Wazza isn’t the Demon, or that Kyo is Slayer and Wazza is Demon but Kyo was malfunctioning.

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Well I mean, I did malfunction him either way.

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we should kill marshal